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Last chance to visit our Macclesfield development

19th August 2022

Earlier this year we offered our members the opportunity to visit our Macclesfield project.

This supported living development project is one that the founders of The Gateway have done themselves.

The building previously operated as a commercial premises and we have converted the space into four apartments for people with learning difficulties, as well as an office and welfare facilities for the support team.

The project is now nearing completion and we are thrilled to be able to offer one last chance to visit the site on Saturday 10th September before we hand it over to the supported living provider.

You will be able to see the finishing touches firsthand – including installations of smart technology to assist care providers, and energy-efficient solutions geared towards creating a more sustainable home for the end-users.

What’s more, we’ll also explain how these additional adaptations to supported living developments can assist with negotiating more favourable rents and lease terms for landlords. We’ll answer any questions you might have and share the numbers with you.

The day will run between 9am and 2pm with presentations from the Gateway team before the site visit. There will also be plenty of time for questions so you leave understanding the process we have gone through to deliver this project. Refreshments are included.

If you would like to join us, please get in touch at

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