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Setting Up Your Supported Living Business for Success

19th June 2024

Operating a supported living service is immensely rewarding, but also comes with many challenges. Proper preparation across several key areas is vital for putting your business in a position to thrive long-term.  This also shows local authorities, regulatory bodies, and of course future landlords and investors that you have the right foundations to build your business.

Having a clear, well-thought-out business plan is a good place to start.  

What are your realistic goals for growth over the next few years? Keeping the business locally focused or expanding regionally/nationally? Define these objectives upfront, then map out the specific milestones to achieve them. Targets, like securing a place on local authority frameworks or hitting revenue targets create structure. 

You'll also need to get acquainted with the various procurement models in this sector.  

Terms like frameworks, dynamic purchasing systems, direct referrals, and spot purchase contracts are more than just jargon. They represent different pathways for acquiring new supported living contracts and clients. Developing relationships with social workers, OTs, commissioners and others pays dividends for those direct referral opportunities.  When trying to source a property this shows the landlord how you will find your clients and their tenants. 

A professional online presence signals you're a credible, well-run organisation.  

A modern website articulating your service offerings helps validate you in the eyes of potential partners like local authorities or landlords. Maintaining a detailed and up-to-date profile on a platform like the Supported Living Gateway further exhibits preparedness and allows landlords to properly evaluate fit. 

Developing strong landlord/investor relationships is pivotal for supported living providers needing to constantly secure new properties 

Make the proposition as turn-key and low-risk as possible by documenting all policies, procedures, and compliance practices. Market your experience, endorsements, workforce training, and track record. Each landlord has their own priorities, so tailor your pitch to their circumstances. 

At  Supported Living Gateway, our "Buy to Order" service is invaluable for listing out your specific property needs and specifications.  Our investor database can then work to pinpoint matches and potentially acquire homes for you. 

Promote yourself to your clients, your investors, and potential landlords 

Sales and marketing materials like tenant testimonials and impact stories provide social proof to help you stand out. Positioning yourself as experienced and capable creates an edge versus competitors. 

Supported Living Gateway is here to help you succeed 

With diligent preparation across business planning, relationship building, compliance, properties, and marketing, you'll have all the ingredients for a thriving supported living organisation. The right groundwork enables long-term quality service delivery. 

Here at Supported Living Gateway, we can work hand in hand with you and your business to build and grow in this challenging but rewarding sector. 

We offer training for supported living providers who  

want to understand better how to prepare  

themselves to work with landlords.   


For more details drop us an email with any questions and a member of our dedicated team will be in touch,

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