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National Housing Federation: How much supported housing will we need by 2040?

27th May 2024

The demand for supported housing in England is skyrocketing and we are looking for property investors who can help.  

A new report from the National Housing Federation provides some core statistics: 

By 2040, an additional 167,329 supported housing units will be required across England - a 33% increase from current levels. That's on top of the already 509,873 existing units provided by housing associations and local authorities.  

The development cost alone for those additional units is estimated at £33.9 billion over the next 17 years. Once built, a further £10.5 billion per year will be needed for rent, service charges and support costs across all supported housing. 

Their message is clear - the supply of supported housing is being drastically outpaced by overwhelming demand from an aging population and increasing numbers of vulnerable people requiring specialised housing and care. 

As property investors, you have a chance to be part of the solution to this crisis while generating stable, long-term returns. Supported housing tenants, from care leavers to people with disabilities, are not transient - they require multi-year housing stability with comprehensive support services.  

Investors who can supply appropriate properties in the right locations will find ready demand and potential for sustainable lease terms backed by government funding. 

The fundamentals are incredibly compelling: a rapidly growing, underserved market of half a million people today rising to potentially millions more in need. A vital service that government simply cannot supply alone. You have an opportunity to generate ethical profits by doing good. 

At Supported Living Gateway, we are connecting property investors directly with care providers and housing associations across England. Our platform advertises your properties, while our services like 'Buy to Order' match you with their specific needs for a truly passive investment experience. 

Join us in helping solve one of England's most critical housing crises while building your portfolio with sustainable, ethical and impactful investments for the long-term.

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